Individual differences vs. General Development
Continuous development—gradual production over time (Ex: Infant cannot yet imitate parents, but will eventually be able to understand language.
Discontinuous development—all of the sudden there is a dramatic change (stage theories, Piaget assumes this).
Universal stages—children everywhere follow the same sequence of development.
Contexts—unique combinations of genetics and environmental circumstances that can result in different paths of change.
Main Mechanisms/Advances of Holistic Theories (Know what each of these theories emphasize, how important, what are the main ideas, etc.)
Watson, Pavlov, and Skinner—all had different takes on this but all focused on behavior.
Focus on environmental forces
Environment is king—all that matters (only pay attention to environmental influences)
Genetic makeup or biological happening do not matter.
Social Learning Theory
Bobo Doll Experiment—children modeled the behaviors in the videos that they saw. Aggressive group performed aggressively, even more so than displayed in the video. When children observe an adult doing something they are more likely to do it themselves.
Vicarious Learning- Albert Bandura
We don’t have to directly experience something to learn from it. We can learn from watching others experience or get punished.
Evolutionary Theory
Natural selection—from generation to generations, the traits that are in all creatures in the world, have been passed on
Attachment theory—bond between a child and parent, begins at infancy.
Environmental Adaptation—we all have the same evolutionary past, but what makes us different is our experiences. (Upbringing, culture, language you speak)
Ecological Systems Theory (know the 5 systems)
What were the two big things that this theory gave us (as talked about in class)? Can you give examples of each?
Biodirectionality— the child can