Fall Semester, 2012
Instructor: Mrs. Joy Jacobs, CFCS, MAEd (“Mrs. J.”) E-mail address: jacobsj@msu.edu Please always use “HDFS 145" on the subject line when you e-mail. Office hours: Mrs. J. will be in the classroom one half hour before and will stay after class until all students are gone, or you may make an appointment with her. Go to this website: https://ntweb11.ais.msu.edu/aas/ Because of advising responsibilities, she is not available for walk-in appointments and she cannot take phone calls from students. She HATES playing “phone tag”, so please do not try to leave phone messages in her office! Undergraduate Learning Assistants who will be helping with this class: Abbey Feldpausch feldpa62@msu.edu Keeps track of students whose last names begin with A through K Carly Lesoski lesoskic@msu.edu Keeps track of students whose last names begin with L through Z Office hours: Tuesdays from 4:30 to 6:30 PM in the Student Lounge, Room 4 Human Ecology Two Required Texts (bundled together if purchasing new): The Marriage and Family Experience (11th edition) by Bryan Strong, Christine DeVault, & Ted Cohen, Cengage Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, Publishers (Do NOT let a book store employee tell you that the 10th edition is OK. The reading assignments will not make sense if you have the 10th edition.) and FCE 145 Additional Readings supplemental text Custom Editor Steve Korb, Cengage Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, Publishers The study guide to the Strong & DeVault text is not recommended nor required, This class uses the ANGEL class management program. The syllabus, handouts, and some announcements will be posted on ANGEL, although some times you may will be contacted directly via e-mail. If you forward your MSU mail to another e-mail service, be certain that the transfer is working. You are responsible for knowing the content posted on ANGEL and e-mailed to your MSU e-mail address. Course Description: “The Individual,