As far as human beings are concerned life starts with conception in the mother’s womb as a result of a process of fertilization in the ovum.
The mother’s womb becomes a means of growth and development of a new life and only after nine months the baby comes into this world as a new born. The period spent in the mother’s womb is termed as pre-natal.
The process of growth and development are the medium and means of bringing about changes in the organisms.
Growth and development are two very important terms which are used most of the times interchangeably and are regarded as synonyms.
They refer to the changes produced by the interaction of one’s genetic and environmental factors as well as to the changes in physical, mental, social, emotional and moral aspects involving ones individuality.
Growth can be defined as an increase in size, length, height and weight or the changes in quantitative aspects of an organism.
The body and its several parts become larger, heavier and longer as the child is growing but it could be possible in some cases that the body is not able to keep up with the pace of the child’s size and movement and we may think that the child is clumsy.
We then say that the child has grown but not developed. Development refers to the working and the functioning of the organism and the individual.
Growth can be measured but development can only be observed.
Development describes the growth of humans throughout the lifespan, from conception to death.
The scientific study of human development seeks to understand and explain how and why people change throughout life. This includes all aspects of human growth, including physical, emotional, intellectual, social, perceptual, and personality development.
Growth (1) The term growth is used in purely-physical sense generally refers to an increase in size, length, height and weight. Changes in the quantative aspects