| |Starts to show interest in other |side |follows movement of large objects |laughs during play |thinking around the age of 3 years |…
| Born with reflexes. Can lift and turn their head. Can balance on their fronts.…
Has vocabulary of approximately 20 – 1000 words. In this stage the child’s vocabulary will have expanded from…
|They may display separation anxiety and be apprehensive around strangers. They can clap hands and wave. They will cling to a familiar adult. |They will show interest in picture books. They will watch activities and people with great interest. |They will babble away to themselves tunefully. They can vocalise to attract attention. They enjoy communicating with sounds. | |1 Year |They can stand holding onto furniture or stand alone. They may walk holding on with one hand or they may be walking alone. They can bend down and pick up objects. They can pull themselves to stand up and they can sit deliberately. They can hold a spoon and point at objects. |Co-operates with dressing. Waves goodbye. Understands simple commands. Demonstrates affection. Participates in nursery rhymes. |Responds to simple instructions. Uses trial-and-error to learn about objects. Are aware that some actions can…
Cognitive development the child’s language skills begin to develop very quickly. At this point the child will also start using language as their major form of communication and their vocabulary also starts to expand and a rapid rate.…
I would always find out if I was being consistent in using the same vocabulary as the carers. I would reinforce new vocabulary by playing games with the child, like naming objects and repeating this as often as possible. This allows for a child to reach targets, then…
“Alex’s communication skills are growing by leaps and bounds. He is speaking mostly in three to four word sentences and his vocabulary is expanding greatly because of his intense desire to learn new words.” (My Virtual Child reports, at 2 years old)…
• Builds relationships with special people. • Is wary of unfamiliar people. • Interacts with others and explores new situations when supported by familiar person. 8-20 months • Shows interest in the activities of others and responds differently to children and adults, e.g. may be more interested in watching children than adults or may pay more attention when children talk to them. • Plays alongside others. • Uses a familiar adult as a secure base from which to explore independently in new environments, e.g. ventures away to play and interact with others, but returns for a cuddle or reassurance if becomes anxious. • Plays cooperatively with a familiar adult, e.g. rolling a ball back and…
Physical: A child will have to use their improved motor skills and use their hands more.…
Drinks from a cup unaided Plays with shape and sorting toys Says first words - mama dada Likes looking at herself in the mirror Eats finger foods she can grasp Can find a hidden toy Imitates animal sounds Can become attatched to favourite toy Can pick up small objects Bangs toys Pays attention when spoke to May pull herself up using furniture Shows interest in pictures Waves goodbye when prompted May waddle along when holding furniture Drops toys deliberately May point to things she wants May…
At birth,a child has the primitive reflexes of sucking, swallowing, grasping and stepping when held upright on a hard surface. It will recognise and be soothed by its mothers voice. As it grows and develops it will begin to smile, show facial exprerssions, control his own head unsupported. The child will also be intrigued by its own hands and be able to hold an object for a few seconds.…
Walk alone and walk backwards. May walk up steps and run. Pulls toys while walking. Drinks from a cup and eats with a spoon. Move to music. Paint with whole arm movement. Enjoy a picture book and turn two or three pages at a time. Builds towers of 4 or more blocks. Shake head for NO and wave goodbye.…
Communications | Lifting arms to show they want picking up, smiles when they like something, making noises and first words. | Able to say sentences have enjoyment of jokes. | They have a wide vocabulary sometimes have verbal arguments with others. | Start to push boundaries with parents and carers.…
follows movements, sensitive to tone of voice, upset at loud noises, aware of key people, getting familiar with sounds & objects, interested in age appropriate toys, likes peep-po, making their own observations, egocentric,…
There are four different theoretical perspectives about the way children develop their speech, language and communication.…