The notion of childhood is also a definition that can change over time. De Mause (1976 cited in Corby, 1993) argues that childhood is a recent phenomenon and therefore they were previously offered little protection and so were susceptible to abuse.
One particularly difficult aspect of child protection is critically balancing between our professional and personal values and managing these beliefs as Beckett states ‘the belief that children should be protected against harm and the belief that outsiders should not .....????(Becket, 2003, p.43) Beckett argues that social workers can sometimes feel that what they are doing is wrong e.g. Removing a newborn baby from its mother as going ‘against the laws of nature’ (Corner, 1975, cited in Beckett, 2003, p.44) however, it may be that one needs to overcome their personal feelings once they are weighed against the potential harm that a child may suffer. Professionals involved should also be sensitive about protecting Serena whilst at the same time maintaining the family’s privacy.
It is also important to note that ‘child care practices