Safegaurding the welfare of childre and young people is a high priority in todays society.
The purpose of this is to:
Protect children & young people from maltreatment .
Prevent impairment of children & young peoples health or development.
Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistant with provisions of safe and effective care.
Taking action to enable all children & young people to have the best outcome.
To support this we have things set in place:
Legislation,guide lines,polices and procedures.
Legislation is put in place to make it illegal for any one to purposely harm,mistreat or neglect children.
There is:
Childrens act 1989/and renforced in 2004- provide the legal aspects underpinning for "every child matters".
United nations convention on the rights of children (to which the uk is a signatory).
Childcare act 2006.
Human Rights act 1989.
Data protection act.
Childcare setting/schools must develop a range of policies which ensure the safety,security and well being of the children.These will be set out responsibilities of staff and procedures that they must follow and it must include:
Safegaurding & protecting,and procedures for reporting.
Bullying,including cyber bullying.
There also must be a named member of staff with particular responsibilities for safegaurdig children and for e-safety.
Schools have a responsibility to:
Develop childrens awareness of what is acceptable behaviour,including when useing the internet.
Know,support & protect children who are identified as being at 'greater risk'-that is,on the 'at risk register'.
Provide trainning of all staff relating to safegaurding
Put into place policies & security systems for e-learning activities. observe for signs that abuse maybe happening,and refer any concerns,monitor and keep records.
Five outcomes.