Legislations in Safeguarding Young Children:-
The Children Act 2004
United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Children
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
Human Rights Act 1998
Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 (causing or allowing the death of a child or vulnerable adult).
Sexual Offences Act 2003
Policy Safeguarding Young Children:-
Safeguarding Policy
Anti Bullying Policy
Health and Safety Policy
As an adult working within a school environment you have a duty to the young children you are looking after to be vigilant in understanding their patterns of behaviour. Always be approachable and understanding to any concern a child may have no matter how big or small. Safeguarding policies are in place to protect the children and adults who share the same environment.
Concerns for a Child
If there were concerns regarding a child that I have noticed I would report my concerns firstly to the teacher. If things were to continue and I felt thing were not still being addressed I would speak with the Child Protection Co-Coordinators, if she were not available it would be the Head Teacher or Deputy Head. At all times records are to be kept of dates, times, what was reported and name of the child.
Disclosure from a Child
If a child has disclosed a serious allegation to you it is very important not to show any shock or embarrassment to the child. You should quietly address the child and maybe move to a more convenient place in which to talk, always within sight of others if possible. Whatever is said must to written down word for word and every allegation must be taken very seriously. Do not ask any leading questions, just listen and be supportive, all information has to be accurate, date, time, where disclosure has taken place, if anyone else was present. Never promise the child that you will not tell anyone else as this is a promise that cannot be kept.
Anti-Bullying Policy
Schools all have