E2. Children Act 2004 - This Act was introduced as a result of the death of Victoria Climbie and was the introduction of 'Every Child Matters' which ensures the wellbeing of children through its five outcomes. The Every Child Matters framework has influenced settings by giving them and other childcare settings a duty to find new ways of working together by sharing information and working co-operatively to protect children from harm.
Children Act 1989 has influenced setting by bringing together several sets of guidance and provided the foundation for many of the standards practitioners adhere to and maintain when working with children. The Act requires that settings work together in the best interests of the child and that they form partnerships with parents and carers. It requires settings to have an appropriate adult: child ratios and policies and procedures on child protection. This Act has an influence in all areas of practice within setting. For example; planning.
Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA 1995)- The DDA states: “settings are required to make reasonable adjustments by either changing policy, providing alternative ways to access a provision, or by addressing physical features which make a service impossible or unreasonably difficult for disabled people to use.” (www.hse.gov.uk/disability/law.htm) This means that settings must make their provision more accessible. For example; by having downstairs toilets, wider doors and ramps to the front doors.
UNCRC influences practice as it informs practitioners about having a responsibility to ensure that the rights are met. Practitioners need to plan with the best interests of the children first, and ensure that they take account of diversity and inclusion with the resources they provide.
Every Child Matters