Loneliness * “To wander half the night among the cliffs and the smooth Hollows, where the woodcocks ran along the open turf.” * “I went alone into a shepherd’s boat, a skiff that to a Willow tree was tied within a Rocky cave, its usual home.”
Fear and terror * “Sometimes it befell in these night-wanderings, that a strong desire O’erpower’d my better reason, and the bird which was the captive of another toils became my prey; and, when the deed was done I heard among the solitary hills low breathings coming after me, and sounds of undistinguishable motion, steps almost as silent as the turf they trod.”
Power of imagination * “A rocky Steep uprose above the cavern of the willow tree and now, as suited one who proudly row’d with his best skill, I fixed a steady view upon the top of that same craggy ridge, the bound of the horizon, for behind was nothing but the stars and the grey sky. “
Nature * “Thanks likewise for the means! But I believe that nature, oftentimes, when she would frame a favor’d Being from his earliest dawn of infancy doth open the clouds, as at the touch of lightening, seeking him with gentlest visitation; not the less, through haply at the self-same end, does it delight her sometimes to employ severer interventions, ministry more palpable, and so she dealt with me.”
Guilt * “Sometimes it befell in these night-wanderings, that a strong desire O’erpower’d my better reason, and the bird which was the captive of another toils became my prey; and, when the deed was done I heard among the solitary hills low breathings coming after me, and sounds of undistinguishable motion, steps almost as silent as the turf they