Firstly, childhood is a flexible period when people do not have any materialistic worries and[or] various responsibilities such as having a job [or] getting married.Generally children spend their time by doing the wide range of activities they want and they do not worry about their future because all these responsibilities areconsidered[taken on] by their family instead of children. Therefore, childhood is [a] quite flexible and enjoyable period.
On the other hand, some people advocate that childhood is not the happiest time of people's life[lives] because childhood is a term[time in] which children completely depend on their families. They believe that children are dependent on their parents in social and economical life. {I would think everyone believes this is true} For [a] supporter of this view, these dependeces {spelling} on family cause children to tend to be unhappy, because they can not earn money and they can not have a say about their future. {I would add "I think" here} These claims carry no weight because children do not have any[much] experiences about[with] life, so social and economical dependence on parents is [a] quite normal process for children and it[thus] should not be seen as the source of unhappiness.
To sum up, childhood is one of the most enjoyable life periods for people. This process {I usually don't