sleep which leads to sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation is using the media too much, and the child doesn’t want to turn the TV off; even though, it is late at night, and so the children stay up until their favorite programmed is finish.
It leads to tiredness the next day because the child just slept for a while. Additionally, childhood obesity can occur because of genetics, behavior problems, family history, and the environment. Furthermore, children are spending way too much in the media since the children are using the media approximately five to six hours each day. The increase rate of overweight children can take place because the children are consuming high intakes of food calorie, bigger portion sizes, the media, and not enough physical activity, and the child just want to sit at the house doing nothing all day whether then going outside and play. Children obesity is the leading cause of health problems that doesn’t happen into adulthood such as diabetes, cancer and strokes when the body mass is too heavy to handle the weight. Parents, media, and the school are the major influence in whether or not the child is going to be obese or overweight. The problem in America is the Americans don’t provide enough information to parents about the symptoms their child may have if the children doesn’t have the right information given to them, is the media affecting the child health why or why not, is the school doing anything to prevent childhood, and if so …show more content…
what is there solution, and how are parents preventing their own child from becoming an obese or overweight child. These factors are important so that it can help the child who is overweight, obese or normal weight child to have a better a better life style, healthier body weight without any circumstances. In addition, parents need to understand the different factors that lead to overweight problems. Furthermore, there are five symptoms that lead and become a health issue to an overweight child. For example, it is suggested to check with a physician if the child has a weight problem, and it can also be a life threatening situation to the child. The first symptom is physical problem which can advanced to type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, asthma, and early puberty. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the way the body metabolizes sugar. It is usually caused by poor diets but with a proper diet and exercise it can be reversed. Metabolic syndrome is a combination of high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol and excess of abdominal fat that puts youth risk of developing health problem such as heart disease and diabetes. In addition, metabolic syndrome is cause by the plaque
In the arteries which cause the arteries to narrow and harder eventually leads to heart attack or strokes. Asthma can be induced by too much weight on a child’s body which can cause problems with the development and health of the lungs. The second symptom is social problems which it is a greater risk for low-income families of becoming an obese or overweight child because of the financial problems the parents have since they need to get more healthy food instead of unhealthy food for the child. Children who are overweight are often teased or bullied at school which the overweight child can cause them to develop low-self esteem and depression. The third symptom is emotional problem which deals with their deep emotions issues or cope with their problems by overeating which guide the child to be overweight. The fourth symptom is psychological which take place by the child to have a deep depression, and the child avoids their classmates, families and people around the child. Also, the psychological effects can lead the child to have bulimia where she or he eats a lot and then pukes themselves after eating. It is important to understand that child emotion, psychotically and social problem that the child has. Following the issue more indebt, the last symptom is more important factor is sleep derivation. Sleep deprivation leads to childhood obesity since this is a mayor problem some examples are lack of sleep that children have can also affect the brain because the brain needs to rest; in order, for the brain to work properly such as to think better, to have a better concentration, and have a better memory the next day. The brain tells the children when he or she is tired. If a child skips on their sleep during the weekdays and weekends, they are guaranteeing to get childhood obesity. However, if a child sleeps regularly and don’t skip their sleep, they are very protective of not having obesity. Children under the ages of 5 needs to sleep at least 11-12 hours of sleep, 5-10 years need to sleep at least 9-10 hours of sleep, and 10 years and up need to sleep 8-9 hours of sleep. The lack of sleep increasing a child to become an obese or overweight child also interferes with their sleep because of the struggle and breathing while they are sleeping. In the contrary, in our bodies there are two hormones that relates to eating. The first hormone is called Leptin which tells us to stop eating because we are full. The second hormone is called Ghrelin which tells us to keep eating because we are still not full. The worst thing sleep deprivation can do to us is to increase our hunger because the child or parents selects the high carbohydrates like candies, ice cream, pasta, and bread. Furthermore, ABC News says that “clearly sleeping is a good healthy proposition and our recommendation is to make every possible effort to have a regular bedtime schedule for the child. Adequate sleep can help reduce obesity as well as other problems such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes now and in the future” which it’s clearly understandable since we need the right amount of sleep to concentrate in the every day life. The less sleep the child gets the obvious is that they don’t have a good night sleep because on how much they used the media. The media is not really responsible for childhood obesity, but it plays in important role that can influence what the child and parents eats. The media is now able to send advertising to the websites, cell phone text, and emails. There are three ways the child is watching TV can increase the children to be overweight such as having unhealthy foods, eating more snacks then usual, and the interference of the child sleep patterns. The children are spending more time with the media then going outside and do physical activity with friends or family. The parents and children should consider using the media less. Children who are watching too much TV are consuming more high calories food intakes, are drinking a lot of sodas, and eating less fruits and vegetables. Additionally, the media affects the child sleep because the child just wants to keep watching TV then to turn it off. Pediatricians say that each child should only be using the media 1 or 2 hours each day or per week. The pediatricians also say the media is the cause of the children who are overweight. For example pediatrician says the child is spending more time on the media, they could be spending that time outside doing physical activity. The advertising on the TV can influence the child on picking the wrong foods, and the characters of the programs are encouraging the child to buy their products. Also, when the children are watching the television and the children doesn’t want to turn off the TV, and so the children are lowering their metabolic even if they go to sleep early. However, if parents and children reduce the amount of the media at least 29 percent, they could prevent from becoming an obese or overweight child in the future. The solutions for preventing children using too much media is that the school should banned unhealthy food that affects the children health. Have the child increase on their physical activity and avoid using the media less. The media is now developing stricter policies and launching regulatory campaigns that reduce the amount of ads that target children. In addition, they are airing an educational campaign that promotes healthy eating and exercise, incorporating healthy eating into commercials and a supporting innovative measure that explores the ways to limit the time children are spending and enjoying the media products. In school, the approach is the children should be doing at least one to two hours of physical activity during school time. Since the majority time for children that are at school is seven hours each day except for Saturday and Sunday. If the school puts children to use their energy more in playgrounds, PE class or activities in classroom, there is a major difference in preventing childhood obesity. Also, the schools’ have the connections to have a healthier food selection than junk food, have educators be excellent towards physical activity, and educate the children who are entering the classroom for example the teacher can say which of these is a healthy item that we can eat. The schools should provide a healthier and variety food to the children. For instance, the school should provide them with fruits, vegetables, and organic products than junk food. Furthermore, the school and teachers should educate parents and children on what food they can eat. However, school can’t clear up all the obstacles from childhood obesity without the help of the environment. Even though there are ninety-five percents of students enrolled in school, there is breakthrough of physical activity and healthy eating. The children who are doing physical activity every day and are eating healthy are more likely to learn quicker than the children who don’t get enough healthy food and physical activity. The children that do eat healthier are thinking more Parents might be saying that I am to busy to talk about the situation; however, parents shouldn’t be thinking like this because it can happen to the child. Just go with the flow since parents are important role models to their child health. Parents are the ones that can change the lifestyles from their child and it take some time, but it will be a long way for victory for reducing childhood obesity. If children sees their parents being active every day with them, the child are more likely to follow their steps their parents are taking by being healthy and being active. Additionally, if parents provides a good balancing meal and the number of calories each day, the children can recognized what they eating and to develop a better healthier patterns for themselves. Parents should encourage the child to have much more intake in fruits, vegetables and whole-grain products. Also, parents should consider selecting low-fat or non-fat milk, dairy products, lean meats, poultry, fish, lentils, and beans for protein. Parents can also serve the right amount of serving to the child, to drink a lot of water together instead of beverages, and limits’ the sweets, sugars, and saturate fat intakes. Parents should avoid rich calories intake like high fat, high sugar or salty snacks; however, parents can limit the junk food that the child eats, and still provide the child to have a small amount of junk food. Another way to balance the calories intakes that goes into the body is to provide physical activity and avoid using too much media. While using physical activity children can have more excitement by doing the activity with their friends such as soccer, swimming, walking, biking, or dancing. Furthermore, the good habits they learn and put into practice now will benefit them and their children after them. When parents set a good example in regards to healthful nutrition, exercise, and disease prevention, their offspring are likely to benefit. The only way the parents can move forward in the implementation of any new way diet and exercising plan is to encourage parents to train their children at home. The good news is that as loving parents make sure that the child steps of the world of obesity and into a new generation of a healthier live. Do not ever discourage the child by saying he or she is fat and that they need to lose weight; however, consider supporting the child and believing the child that they can become whatever they want to be. Furthermore, the solution for preventing childhood obesity isn’t the way for children to lose tremendous weight because it can harm the child overall’s health.
Some children can keep up with their current weight and allowed the body to grow with the weight. Parents and their child should go see a physician because this way the child would be healthier then starve the child to death. It is recommendation even for an overweight or obese child to lose at least one and a half pound to one pound per week because if the child loses more then it is recommend it can seriously damaged the child health and metabolism. In addition, eating healthier is one of the biggest important steps in losing the weight and being thin. Since more than nine million obese or overweight are children living in the United States of America and it is our concerns for their future generations. Children all ages needs at least one to two hours of physical activity each day to staying healthy and active. It is also recommended that we need to feed the children healthier snacks such as fruits and vegetables. Also, it is important for the children to reunite with nature again because it can help to reduce childhood
obesity. In conclusion, childhood obesity can be preventing by doing a lot of exercising and eating healthier food than junk food. If the children reduce the amount of the media and keep doing exercise all week for an hour or two, it would reduce the amount of obesity in America. Childhood obesity is also a greater health risk than any other disease since it has extremely health issues. Furthermore, the childhood obesity has increased tremendous over the past three decades, and it is still growing. Since in the earlier times, the people were more active than we are today. We are doing less physical activity and eating less healthy food like pizza, pasta, spaghetti, candies, sodas, and etc. Even if we can’t control our ability for junk foods, it doesn’t mean that we have to give it all up; we can take small portion from the junk food that we enjoy the most, time to time. We would also be influence our children to do the same thing in their future since it is important to stay healthy. Our children will see the difference that we are doing for them and for our health issues. The children have the right to life a better life then us because they are future of our wonderful earth.
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