Some children are exposed to social isolation and bullying during childhood because of their socioeconomic status; these behaviors can have an effect the child potentially causing adult depression and other related disorders. “The strongest associations between early life processes and adult health lie in the development of adverse, health-related behaviors in childhood” (Wise, P., 2016). Other factors that also play a role in the destruction on childhood health into adulthood are patterns of smoking, negative physical activity, and unhealthy dietary preferences have all been shown to have strong roots in how childhood and adulthood are related to these negative health …show more content…
children aged 18 years and younger were living in families with incomes below the poverty line, with African American and Latino families with children having especially high rates of poverty (more than 30 percent)” (Santrock, John, 2015). According to our text one study found that a higher percentage of U.S. children in deprived families than in middle-income families were exposed to family turmoil, separation from a parent, violence, crowding, excessive noise, and poor housing. It is also believed that the more year’s children are spent living in poverty, the higher their physiological are exposed to stress. The article focused on the effect of child poverty and related early life experiences on adult health outcomes. It not a surprise to me that a large majority of studies have revealed strong inverse associations between childhood status and adult patterns of morbidity and mortality. If a child continues to lives in poverty and continues to grow under those same conditions without adequate health care of course their chances of morbidity and mortality are higher entering adulthood will be higher.(Santrock, John.,