Children's Functional Health Patterns
Children’s Functional Health Pattern Assessment Functional Health Pattern Assessment (FHP) | Toddler Erickson’s Developmental Stage: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (, 2013) | Preschool-Aged Erickson’s Developmental Stage: Initiative vs. Guilt (, 2013) | School-Aged Erickson’s Developmental Stage: Industry vs. Inferiority (, 2013) | Pattern of Health Perception and Health Management: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. | Understand being sick means feeling bad Model parents behavior and routines such as brushing teeth at bedtime and taking baths (Edelman & Mandle, 2010) | Able to do things for themselves like brush teeth and wash hands Show interest in body of members of the opposite sex, recognizing differences (Edelman & Mandle, 2010) | Child can list medication taken and why they take them Child is able to describe examples of healthy living and why they are important (Edelman & Mandle, 2010) | | Vaccinations are overdue or not given at all Child does not attempt to imitate parents or caregivers (Edelman & Mandle, 2010) | Child appears anxious or has anxiety about their body and body functions Does not recognize or refuses approach clothing for weather. (Ie. Won’t wear jacket or hat in winter) (Edelman & Mandle, 2010) | Child appears over or under weight, has poor personal or dental hygiene, or refuses medical treatment Child is unable to verbalize why they take certain medications (Edelman & Mandle, 2010) | Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. | Child eats a variety of finger
References: (2al013, January). Erikson 's Psychosocial Stages Summary Chart. Retrieved from Psychology:
Edelman, C., & Mandle, C. (2010). Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan. St. Louis:
Mosby Elsevier.
Jarvis, C. (2012). Physical Examination and Health Assessment 6th Edition. St. Louis: Elsevier