The film entitled Children of Men (2006) directed by Alfonso Cuarón, is a film which year 12 students – the future leaders of our society – should study because it is a realistic, modern Armageddon scenario which plays on contemporary fears about environmental destruction, warfare, terrorism violence, oppression and societal collapse. The film exemplifies what the future may entail by showcasing how the United Kingdom — perhaps the last functioning government — persecutes a seemingly endless wave of illegal immigrant refugees seeking sanctuary. In this respect, I believe year 12 students should study the Children of Men as it will encourage them to reflect on complicated questions like, “Who gets included?” and “Who matters?” in the context of national politics and citizenship. Furthermore, year 12 students should study the Children of Men as the film suggests that by breaking into imprisoning, delimiting, and impersonal systems of social control, humanity can form a new and improved, perhaps redeemed world. Thus, I believe that year 12 students, as the future leaders of society, should study the Children of Men as it will position them to respond by adopting primarily, biocentrism and egalitarian values which will have a significant and positive impact in creating a sustainable and cohesive society in the future.
Year 12 students should study the Children of Men, as it exemplifies what the future could entail if humans continue to be anthropocentric and continue to walk the path to the destruction of their own humanity. The film is set in the centre of western civilisation – London 2027 which has become a warzone; militaristic & mechanised new order of life. London is in urban decay with advanced technology. The opening scenes convey the idea that London has become a claustrophobic, polluted, oppressive, noisy and suffocating city. The opening scenes convey this idea through the use of dark