Assessment One
The Children Scotland Act sets out the Rights of all children in Scotland and the responsibility of parents and those legally caring for a child. The Act also covers duties and procedures for public organisations such as Local Councils and Social Work Departments and Children’s Hearing System involved in promoting children’s welfare. The Act puts children first and states the rights of each child to basic standards of care, upbringing and nurture. The foundations for this Act are, each child has the right to be treated as an individual, they have the right to express their views should they wish to do so and that parents should be responsible and share the responsibility of bringing up their child.
I think that this law promotes the rights of children well as throughout the Act the child’s best interests and welfare are the highest priority when their needs are being considered. The Law includes that the child’s view must be considered when decisions about their future are being made and unless a dispute arises the court should not make any order, I feel that when a child is mature and old enough to hold a view or opinion on a matter that effects them and their life that their voice should be heard and their opinion taken into consideration and I feel this Act helps to give them that voice.
The UN Convention on Rights of the Child applies to all children and this Law states that a child is up to the age of eighteen the Law sets out in great detail what every child requires to have a safe and happy childhood and does not discriminate against age, sex, religion, nationality or social background. The aim of the UNCRC is to promote and recognise children’s rights, they have set out the rights as cultural, health, social, economic, political and civil. This is currently the most widely officially approved International Human This International agreement aims to protect the
References: *COLEG, Children and Young People 's Rights: Provision, Protection and Participation, DF50 34, Eleanor Mands 2004 * * *