The United Nations convention on the rights of the child (1989) it ensures children’s safety and well being. Protecting children from all forms of physical and mental violence, abuse, neglect, injury, maltreatment or exploration including sexual abuse from all persons responsible for caring for the child.
The Education Act (2002) to ensure all children are safe at school this act sets out the responsibilities of everybody in the school setting.
Children’s Act 2004 – this act provides the framework for Every Child Matters and also identifies the needs of working in a integrated manner when safeguarding children.
Children’s Act 1989 – where there is reasonable concern …show more content…
2. Explain child protection within the wider field of safeguarding children and young people.
Child protection in England and Wales overall responsibility of the department of children, schools and families they offer non statuary guidelines to LSA’s. Child protection is mainly the term u used where a child has been or is suspected to be a victim of abuse or harm. Child protection contains policies and procedures to follow when there is concern of a child. Child protection is only one aspect of how we ensure children are safeguarded.
Safeguarding covers all aspects of the settings safe working practices, of which promote the welfare of children and young people. Such as ensuring anybody working with children paid or voluntarily undertake and hold current DRB checks. Taking a register to ensure the safety and presence of everybody in an emergency and Caring our risk assessments ensuring activities and environments are safe. Are all following safeguarding policies in order to prevent harm to children. Safeguarding