TDA 2.2 Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people
United Nations convention protection of children’s act- when was the 1st legislation impacted. It was drawn up in 1989, but the United Kingdom decided on 16th December 1991 formally agreed to make sure that every child has the same rights listed in the convention.
Signed 20th November 1989
Location New York
Effective 2nd September 1990
Condition 20 ratifications
Signatories 140
Parties 194
Depositary UN secretary general
Languages Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish
The convention generally defines a child as any human being under the age of 18, unless an earlier age of majority is recognised by a countries law.
How legislation effect’s our work without children
It effects our work as to making sure that all children are treated equally as it’s an obligation to prohibited and eliminate corporals punishment & all other cruel or degrading forms of punishment.
Social workers
Educational staff
Speech therapists
The children’s act of 2004-
Added to and strengthened was raised to clarify the rolls of councils and other agencies in safeguarding & promoting the welfare of children in their area.
Section II in the act places a duty on partners such as the primary care trust (PCT) and the police to make legal arrangements to ensure that functions with regards to need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. It also required all children’s services authorities to establish a local safeguarding children board with legislation guidance published in 2006.
-Every service plays its part.
- The children act 2004 was introduced following high profile enquires into safeguarding children & young people.
- The acts aim where to achieve positive outcomes for the children & young people & their families. 1. Improving & integrating children’s service 2. Promoting early intervention 3. Providing strong leadership 4. Bringing