The one-child-policy has led to many cases like this where children have been neglected, aborted and abandoned.
Although the one child policy was designated a "temporary measure," it continues a quarter-century after its establishment because the population reductions were so dramatic some countries are considering copying them so they can also deduct from their own population.
After the one-child rule was implemented, many families clung to traditional preferences for a male heir (among other cultural and economic motivations). As a result, abortions of females have become commonplace.
However, the rule has been estimated to have reduced population growth in the country of 1.3 billion by as much as 300 million people over its first twenty years.
Now if a couple is composed of two people without children, then they may have two children of their own, this preventing a too dramatic population growth.
The policy has flaws such as; when a couple want a boy and get a girl, if a child dies a family might be left with no children to continue with the family name.
Fines sometimes pressured to get an abortion and even sterilization and are just some of the penalties for being pregnant a second or more time. Reports of women becoming pregnant without permission being forced to give birth to have abortions and being given steep fines on families for violating the law have been have been reported to the police, as a result, riots broke out and some population control officials may have been killed.
Mai’s parents will go to prison for abandoning their child and