References: Brown, H. D. (1993). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Regents. Bui, M. H. (2006). ―Teaching Speaking Skills at a Vietnamese University and Recommendations for using CMC.‖ Asian EFL Journal 14(August). Do, H. T. (1999). Foreign language education policy in Vietnam: the emergence of English and its impact on higher education. The Fourth International Conference on Language and Development, Hanoi. Doan, N.-H. and A. E. Steiman (2008). ―Plant a Seed of Peace." Report Fall/Winter 2008. Culver City. Doan, N.-H. andL. Garrett, et al. (2006, 2007). "Plant a Seed of Peace" Report Winter 2006/Spring 2007. Culver City. Doan, N.-H. and R. E. Grant (2005). "Traversing Borders. Viet Nam Teacher Training Program. CHEER for Viet Nam Report 2005. Culver City. Duong, H. O. (2008). ―Memorization and CLT in Vietnamese Foreign Language Study.‖ TESOL Classroom Practice Series (Forthcoming). Gorsuch, G. (2006). ―Doing Language Education Research in a Developing Country.‖ TESL-EJ 10(2). The Government. (2008). Decision on the Approval of the Project entitled "Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages in the National Education System, Period 2008-2020. Hanoi. Institute, A. (2008). Vietnamese Higher Education: Crisis and Response. Cambridge, Ash Institute. Krashen, S. D. and T. D. Terrell. (1983). The Natural Approach. San Francisco, Pergamon Press. Labov, W. (1970). ―The Study of Language in its Social Context.‖ Studium Generale 23: 30-87. 16 Larsen-Freeman (1999). On the appropriateness of language teaching methods in language and development. The Fourth International Conference on Language and Development, Hanoi. Le, V. C. (1999). Language and Vietnamese Pedagogical Contexts. The Fourth International Conference on Language and Development. Merriam, S. B. (1998). Qualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Education. San Francisco. Jossey-Bass. Nguyen, B. and D. Crabbe. (1999). The design and use of English language textbooks in Vietnamese secondary schools. Hanoi. Nunan, D. (1999). Second Language Learning and Teaching. Massachussetts, Heinle & Heinle Publishers. Nunan, D. (2005). ―Important Tasks of English Education: Asia-wide and Beyond.‖ Asian EFL Journal 7(3). Pajares, M. F. (1992). ―Teachers ' beliefs and educational research: Cleaning up a messy construct.‖ Review of Educational Research 62(3): 307-332. Pham, H. H. (1999). The key socio-cultural factors that work again success in tertiary English language training programs in Vietnam. The Fourth International Conference on Language and Development. Hanoi. Pham, H. H. (2005). ―Imported" Communicative Language Teaching Implications for Local Teachers.‖ English Teaching Forum 43(4). Pham, H. H. (2006). ―Researching the Research Culture in English Language Education in Vietnam.‖ TESL-EJ 10(2). Stigler, J. W., R. Gallimore, et al. (2000). ―Using Video Surveys to Compare Classrooms and Teaching across Cultures: Examples and Lessons from the TIMSS Video Studies.‖ Educational Psychologist 35(2): 87-100. Stigler, J. W. and J. Hiebert.. (1998). ―Teaching is a Cultural Activity.‖ American Educator Winter. To, T. H. (May 12, 2007). TESOL in the internationalization of higher education in Vietnam. Hanoi. 17 Trinh, Q. L. (2005). Stimulating Learner Autonomy in English Language Education. Graduate School of Teaching and Learning. Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam. Vu, P. T. (2003). ―The Contribution of Multimedia Tools for EFL Settings Unfamiliar with Technology.‖ Asian EFL Journal September. Wideen, M. F., J. Mayer-Smith, et al. (1998). ―A critical analysis of the research on learning-to-teach.‖ Review of Education Research 68(2): 130-178. 18
References: Brown, H. D. (1993). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Regents. Bui, M. H. (2006). ―Teaching Speaking Skills at a Vietnamese University and Recommendations for using CMC.‖ Asian EFL Journal 14(August). Do, H. T. (1999). Foreign language education policy in Vietnam: the emergence of English and its impact on higher education. The Fourth International Conference on Language and Development, Hanoi. Doan, N.-H. and A. E. Steiman (2008). ―Plant a Seed of Peace." Report Fall/Winter 2008. Culver City. Doan, N.-H. andL. Garrett, et al. (2006, 2007). "Plant a Seed of Peace" Report Winter 2006/Spring 2007. Culver City. Doan, N.-H. and R. E. Grant (2005). "Traversing Borders. Viet Nam Teacher Training Program. CHEER for Viet Nam Report 2005. Culver City. Duong, H. O. (2008). ―Memorization and CLT in Vietnamese Foreign Language Study.‖ TESOL Classroom Practice Series (Forthcoming). Gorsuch, G. (2006). ―Doing Language Education Research in a Developing Country.‖ TESL-EJ 10(2). The Government. (2008). Decision on the Approval of the Project entitled "Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages in the National Education System, Period 2008-2020. Hanoi. Institute, A. (2008). Vietnamese Higher Education: Crisis and Response. Cambridge, Ash Institute. Krashen, S. D. and T. D. Terrell. (1983). The Natural Approach. San Francisco, Pergamon Press. Labov, W. (1970). ―The Study of Language in its Social Context.‖ Studium Generale 23: 30-87. 16 Larsen-Freeman (1999). On the appropriateness of language teaching methods in language and development. The Fourth International Conference on Language and Development, Hanoi. Le, V. C. (1999). Language and Vietnamese Pedagogical Contexts. The Fourth International Conference on Language and Development. Merriam, S. B. (1998). Qualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Education. San Francisco. Jossey-Bass. Nguyen, B. and D. Crabbe. (1999). The design and use of English language textbooks in Vietnamese secondary schools. Hanoi. Nunan, D. (1999). Second Language Learning and Teaching. Massachussetts, Heinle & Heinle Publishers. Nunan, D. (2005). ―Important Tasks of English Education: Asia-wide and Beyond.‖ Asian EFL Journal 7(3). Pajares, M. F. (1992). ―Teachers ' beliefs and educational research: Cleaning up a messy construct.‖ Review of Educational Research 62(3): 307-332. Pham, H. H. (1999). The key socio-cultural factors that work again success in tertiary English language training programs in Vietnam. The Fourth International Conference on Language and Development. Hanoi. Pham, H. H. (2005). ―Imported" Communicative Language Teaching Implications for Local Teachers.‖ English Teaching Forum 43(4). Pham, H. H. (2006). ―Researching the Research Culture in English Language Education in Vietnam.‖ TESL-EJ 10(2). Stigler, J. W., R. Gallimore, et al. (2000). ―Using Video Surveys to Compare Classrooms and Teaching across Cultures: Examples and Lessons from the TIMSS Video Studies.‖ Educational Psychologist 35(2): 87-100. Stigler, J. W. and J. Hiebert.. (1998). ―Teaching is a Cultural Activity.‖ American Educator Winter. To, T. H. (May 12, 2007). TESOL in the internationalization of higher education in Vietnam. Hanoi. 17 Trinh, Q. L. (2005). Stimulating Learner Autonomy in English Language Education. Graduate School of Teaching and Learning. Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam. Vu, P. T. (2003). ―The Contribution of Multimedia Tools for EFL Settings Unfamiliar with Technology.‖ Asian EFL Journal September. Wideen, M. F., J. Mayer-Smith, et al. (1998). ―A critical analysis of the research on learning-to-teach.‖ Review of Education Research 68(2): 130-178. 18