from the contents
china and Africa
Fantu Cheru
theme: AfricAn Agriculture Agriculture and the World Bank
Atakilte Beyene
Property rights
Kjell Havnevik
Tor A. Benjaminsen & Espen Sjaastad
inequality and climate change
contents to our reAders AfricAn Agriculture
1 3
november 2007
Carin Norberg
African agriculture and the World Bank: development or impoverishment?
Atakilte Beyene
5 8
Property rights formalisation in Africa
Tor A. Benjaminsen & Espen Sjaastad
the relationship between inequality and climate change
Kjell Havnevik
commentAries intervieW
11 14
decoding the evolving china–Africa relations
Fantu Cheru
martha Qorro on the language of instruction issue in tanzania
Lennart Wohlgemuth
18 reseArch Jerome verdier on the liberian trc
Proscovia Svärd
“the eu market is open to you – but we are not going to let you in!”
Yenkong Ngangjoh Hodu Susanne Linderos
23 26
interview with Patrick chabal evaluation of academic output – the experiences among Aegis members
Anna Eriksson Trenter
31 conferences PuBlishing
report from the Aegis ecAs conference in leiden
Signe Arnfred
33 34
the nordic Africa days recent publications
editor-in-chief: carin norberg co-editor: susanne linderos editorial secretary: Karin Andersson schiebe language checking: elaine Almén
News from the Nordic Africa Institute is published by the Nordic Africa Institute. It covers news about the Institute and also about Africa itself. News appears three times a year, in January, May and October. It is also available online at Statements of fact or opinion appearing in News are solely those of the authors and do not imply endorsement by the publisher. Cover photo: Rita Hamusokwe, farmer of Chikwela village, Chongwe, Zambia, cultivating her field. Photo by Sean Sprague, Phoenix Bildbyrå.