Attitudes and beliefs on death and the afterlife are quite the same among the Chinese people of the late Imperial Chinese culture and the Chinese culture of today. The continuing traditions of the ritualistic burials sheds light on one way a society can be linked culturally.
1. T.C. Lai "To The Yellow Springs: The Chinese View of Death" (17) Hong Kong: Joint Publbishing Co. and Kelly & Walsh, 1983
2. Watson, James L. and Evelyn L. Rawski "Death Ritual in Late Imperial and Modern China" (12-15) Berklely: University of California Press, 1988
Different cultures harbor different views on death and dying, and it is important to understand the significance of these contrasting elements of other cultures and our own. The Chinese cultures do not see death as something shy away from, but rather it is a part of life that is revered. Death