So I interviewed my own mother, Dr. Mary Lucus-Flannery to ask about her views on holistic medicine as well as the millennials she works with and teaches, as their opinions are looked down upon but soon will be changing the whole industry of alternative medicine.
What do you do?
MLF: I am trained as a chiropractor, I spent some time practicing and specialized in pediatric care. I currently work as an administrator and teacher at a chiropractic college ( Life Chiropractic College West, in Hayward CA). And I work on the side as a consultant for millenial chiropractors.
When and how do you work with millennials?
MLF: I've been working closely with millennial chiropractors for the past twelve years just as the millennials entered the workforce. I coach millennial chiropractic students and millenials in practice. I specifically coach them in communication, storytelling -- but the biggest thing I do with millennials is that I help them to recognize and capitalize millennial values.
What are millennial