“Ughh...What is this,” I grumbled annoyingly. I stared grimly on the classwork as if I witnessed another episode of Dora with my brother. “Why …show more content…
Miller revealed with joy. convivial
“Again,” I muttered to myself in disbelief. Last Friday, Mrs. Thimble, a middle-aged lady, came in rambling about the historical nature of literature, and it was the longest hour of my life.In addition, we needed to write a five-hundred word essay on the formulated basis of literature. I was not pleased with this at all.
“She will talk about passion which you will do an assignment on,” chirped Mrs.Miller. “Everyone meet Ms. Ross,” she again …show more content…
“Let’s try that again with a greater response,” Ms.Ross energized.
“Hello Ms.Ross,” everyone cheered. Most of my peers’ faces started to peek a smile like a sun rising in the morning sky.
“Good, Now what do you know about passion,” she inquired. As she questioned us about the meaning of passion, I did not know what she was trying to say, but I thought about it. It was a first time that I actually feel engaged in an activity.
“It is a hobby which you live by,” a girl, tall and gangly replied timidly.
“No, it is a goal you strive for,” a boy conceited.
“Well, it can be many different perspectives to everyone,” Ms. Ross cherished.
“Can it be something you do for fun,” another boy in the back of the class hollered.
“Sure, it can be anything you want to achieve,” Ms. Ross responded. I thought to myself to where am I in life.
Once I left class, I did not care how hard the assignment was, but how was I going to do it. The discussion deepened my personal connection with myself. When I reached in towards my comfortable haven, I continue to interrogate myself with questions:
What am I?
Do I have a real cause in life?
“What do I want to be