This time John falls in love with Mary but she doesn’t love him. He explains how much she means to him, but she’s still not interested. She only keeps him around for her entertainment, when she doesn’t get any attention from James. One night James and Mary get high and end up in bed together, John happens to stop by to see Mary. He ends up seeing the two of them in bed together, right then and there was his moment of awakening. His awakening just happened to throw him off the deep end. Not all of them had such a horrific awakening. For Charlie it was at the grand centeral station where he met his father for lunch. His parents had been divorced and he hadn’t seen his father in years. When he saw his father walking, it was like seeing a stranger, someone he no longer knew. Charlie had his awakening when he realized that when he saw his father he saw his “future and doom”. It was a blessing and a curse, there were some qualities that I’m sure he admired about his father but at the same time some things he feared to become.
When he said goodbye to his father it had sounded like that was it. I think that maybe it was Charlie’s way of saying goodbye. It may have been his way of leaving his dad behind, and letting go. I mean he did go without seeing him for three years. Charlie probably figured three years was long enough to figure things