Estragon: Christ did.
Vladimir: Christ! What has Christ got to do with it? You’re not going to compare yourself to Christ!
Estragon: All my life I’ve compared myself to him.
Vladimir: But where he lived it was warm, it was dry!
Estragon: Yes. And they crucified quick.
(Page 35)
____These lines seem like a typical banter between the two main characters that have been waiting for Godot together for some time. Though, if you read closely, these lines expand on some major ideas and themes in the play.
____“Christ” is repeated three times. Christ is portrayed in the Christian Bible as being a Trinity. There is God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. There is a connection with Christ and Godot. Godot is seen as a God-like figure that is coming to meet Vladimir and Estragon to determine their fate. On page 13, when Estragon asks Vladimir what they should do, Vladimir says “Let’s wait and see what he [Godot] says” and then “Let’s wait till we know exactly how we stand.”
____Vladimir uses one or more exclamation points in every line he speaks. Vladimir is always the one out of the two main characters who stays hopeful that Godot is still coming, although they have been waiting a while. Even at the end when Godot doesn’t come, Vladimir still tells Estragon they could wait, while Estragon wants to hang himself instead. He is more animated and has to be because Estragon relies on him for orders and to boost his mood or change his mind.
____There is one question asked. It is by Vladimir: “What has Christ got to do with it?” This is an interesting question to ask because throughout the play God is mentioned several times, so it seems a bit contradictory. For example, a story from the Bible about the crucifixion of Jesus and the two thieves in mentioned and Estragon even says “Do you think God sees me?” (49) Vladimir clearly knows Christ is involved in the time they have spent in anticipation of Godot.
____The question