1The Eucharist, usually called the Divine Liturgy, fulfils the command of Jesus Christ at the Last Supper: "Do this in remembrance of me". The Russian orthodox church believes that the Eucharist brings a real presence. That the bread and wine are Christ Jesus' body and blood. They believe in being one with Christ doing this by prayer, fasting and confession. The Russian Orthodox church beliefs and development towards the Eucharist are mainly derived from the early church fathers. The russian orthodox church have something called closed communion, it is only for those who are baptised, chrismated orthodox christians who have prepared by fasting, prayer and confession. At a young age infants are carried to the chalice to receive holy communion. In the catholic church we believe that Christ is really (not just in sign or symbol), truly (not just subjectively or metaphorically) and substantially (not just in his power) present in the Eucharist. We believe that you must have done your holy communion and conformation before you can receive the Eucharist. Catholics believe that you must be in a state of grace before receiving the eucharist as well.
2. The russian orthodox has a diverse range of architectural churches. In many of the churches they are filled with sacramental icons like murals of mary. The churches are usually very vertical and much higher then it is wide, it creates an imagine in our mind and draws our attention towards the top (God) rather then towards everything on earth. Ceilings of the russian orthodox churches normally have iconography inside the main dome of Christ as Pantokrator ("ruler of all"). Images like this signify Christ's humanity and divinity showing that he is not only a man but is also God, without beginning or end. Unlike Catholic churches, Russian orthodox churches don't classically have stained glass windows. Russian orthodox churches are very different compared to catholic