There are many different denominations of Christianity and they have a great no: of variations in the marriage ceremony. E.g. an Orthodox marriage ceremony additionally includes: lighting candles, crowning, joining hands and circling around the table 3 times, drinking from the cup of wine and the Gospel reading of the marriage feast at Cana (John 2:1-12). The Catholic marriage ceremony additionally comprises of: the drinking from the cup of wine, an appropriate Gospel reading, the nuptial blessing and Eucharist (optional). The Anglican ceremony additionally includes: readings from scripture, drinking from the cup of wine and reading of the banns. Therefore the Christian marriage ceremony plays a significant part in Christianity as it unites Christians together and it contributes greatly to the growth and development of a Christian’s life. In all denominations the recitation of marriage vows reflects the central belief that Christian marriage is a life-long commitment.
The purpose of marriage is primarily for procreation and to bring glory and honour to God. It is also for spiritual, mental and physical fulfilment, love for God, devotion of their love for one another and it is