St Jude’s Anglican Church is in Randwick and I attended the 9.30am Service, which is a Sung Eucharist with Holy Communion. This begun with the procession of Servers, Choir and Clergy followed by our first Hymn (there were 4 Hymns altogether). The Service was clear to follow as it was printed in a booklet and was led by Rev Jim Le Huray who is the Associate Minister. The Bible readings, prayers and Collect of the day are different each week and these are printed on a weekly sheet so they too can be read. The Assistant Minister, Rev John Bartik gave the Sermon which was about suffering unjustly but if we serve God we will live freely. After this, we greeted other congregation members with a “Peace” handshake and sang an Offertory hymn where a plate was passed around and donations were made.
The next part of the Service was more solemn as it was preparing for Holy Communion. This is where the Minister breaks the bread and gives the wine, representing the Body and Blood of Christ. I then went up to the sanctuary where I received a Blessing on my forehead from the Minister. Those that have been confirmed took the bread and wine. After the closing hymn, the Minister gave some notices and then dismissed us with the Blessing “Go in Peace to Love & Serve the Lord”. Our response, “In the name of Christ, Amen”.
A description of their Website was accessible and clear to follow. On the left hand side of the screen, the main activities are listed which then can be clicked to give more explanation, detail, times etc of the activity. Besides the 3 main Services on Sunday there are also many groups and activities throughout the week. These include: Bible studies, prayer groups, craft groups, mother’s & carers’ groups, choir & even a Men’s group. As a Child Care Centre has recently opened in the Church Hall, it is wonderful to see that St Jude’s is reaching out to the wider community to provide a range of