so he used violence to force them to learn the English language, as well as convert to Christianity. His letter provides evidence, in which it mentions "And as soon as I arrived in the Indies, in the first island that I found, I took some of them by force, to the intent that they should learn [our speech] and give me information of what there was in their parts" (544). Columbus is responsible for the death of countless native people, as they were brutally executed. The fact that there is a day that celebrates and honors this man is really disrespectful to the native people. As controversial as this may sound, it also makes me question America sometimes. Many popular events have a dark history, but are unfortunately glamorized in the media. The worst part is that people are unaware or chose to deny it.
so he used violence to force them to learn the English language, as well as convert to Christianity. His letter provides evidence, in which it mentions "And as soon as I arrived in the Indies, in the first island that I found, I took some of them by force, to the intent that they should learn [our speech] and give me information of what there was in their parts" (544). Columbus is responsible for the death of countless native people, as they were brutally executed. The fact that there is a day that celebrates and honors this man is really disrespectful to the native people. As controversial as this may sound, it also makes me question America sometimes. Many popular events have a dark history, but are unfortunately glamorized in the media. The worst part is that people are unaware or chose to deny it.