I have seen the issue of homelessness over and over whenever I travel to busy cities, but never gave anything a second thought. I have researched the extent of the issue and discovered many Americans live in a condition called “chronic homelessness.” Reading many articles about this saddened me and has driven me to think about what plan of action I am going to take in the future to prevent homelessness from being such an issue. I am hoping to hold a canned food drive at my school and wish to donate the collected items to at least two shelters in the state of Arizona. In addition, I would love to gather a large group of people to help volunteer at a soup kitchen or any other homeless shelter and prepare their meals; I also hope to spread awareness of the severe issue of homelessness in order to bring it to people’s immediate attention. I believe if I make but one small ripple, I can start a wave which will influence others to join in the revolution against homelessness in
I have seen the issue of homelessness over and over whenever I travel to busy cities, but never gave anything a second thought. I have researched the extent of the issue and discovered many Americans live in a condition called “chronic homelessness.” Reading many articles about this saddened me and has driven me to think about what plan of action I am going to take in the future to prevent homelessness from being such an issue. I am hoping to hold a canned food drive at my school and wish to donate the collected items to at least two shelters in the state of Arizona. In addition, I would love to gather a large group of people to help volunteer at a soup kitchen or any other homeless shelter and prepare their meals; I also hope to spread awareness of the severe issue of homelessness in order to bring it to people’s immediate attention. I believe if I make but one small ripple, I can start a wave which will influence others to join in the revolution against homelessness in