Homelessness can be categorized many different ways. Most commonly is when an individual does not have a home or a place to stay. Mental illness is also defined by a wide range of conditions, which affect mood, thinking and behaviors. Approximately 33% of Americans who are homeless are living with a serious mental illness. In 2008, a survey conducted by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, in 25 cities, mental illness …show more content…
The lack of safe and affordable housing is one of the most powerful barriers to recovery. When this basic need isn’t met, people cycle in and out of homelessness, jails, shelters and hospitals. Having a safe, appropriate place to live can provide stability to allow you to achieve your goals. (NAMI: Secure Stable Housing). According to NAMI there are four criteria for a good housing match; your housing should be affordable, ideally one should not pay more than 30% of your income to housing. Paying more means making it harder to afford health care, food and clothing. You should have the freedom to choose where you want to live. Your housing should meet your physical needs, you should be able to be close to treatment providers, community resources and public transportation. Finally, your housing should also be discrimination free. Landlords and property owners cannot refuse your rental because of a disability and they also must allow for modifications of the property to fit your …show more content…
The CoC helps to develop long term plans that identify the needs of homeless individuals and households. The Coc also helps in the preparation of applications to end homelessness, and the prevention of a return to homelessness. All homeless assistance programs funded through the Coc can only serve individuals who meet HUD’s definition of homeless: individuals sleeping in a place not meant for human habitation or in a street or emergency shelter. ( HUD Exchange.info,