Homelessness is a massive problem in the United States and historically homeless persons were primarily men who were kept out of society’s “view” by living in “Skid Row” zones. However, between 1980 and 1990, the American society saw an explosion of a new form of social problems, this new problem moved from single male homeless members to a family issue. Every year, hundreds of thousands of American families suffer from circumstances that result in the family unit becoming homeless; these homeless families include more than 1.6 million children (Webb). Now among the industrialized nations, the United States has the largest number of homeless women and children. This paper will focus on homelessness among families and the children and the impact of the family unit. The paper will also clarify general information about homelessness and provide background information to offer an understanding of the degree and significance of family homelessness. Defining the homeless has always been a tricking process considering the fact that being homeless results in situations that various across each individual. Trying to define someone who is homeless raises more questions than it does at answering the initial question. Examples of these questions are how long does it require a person to be without housing to consider them homeless? Do people living in shelters or dangerous and unsanitary public housing considered homeless? Most researchers on the subject have narrowed down the definition of a homeless person to that of someone who has spent at least some time in homeless shelters or living on the streets or other irregular settings (Ambrosino). The Stewart B. Mckinney Homeless Assistance Act provides an official definition of homelessness found in the text of Families and Change, “ an individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence;… who has a primary nighttime residence that is either a supervised public or private
Homelessness is a massive problem in the United States and historically homeless persons were primarily men who were kept out of society’s “view” by living in “Skid Row” zones. However, between 1980 and 1990, the American society saw an explosion of a new form of social problems, this new problem moved from single male homeless members to a family issue. Every year, hundreds of thousands of American families suffer from circumstances that result in the family unit becoming homeless; these homeless families include more than 1.6 million children (Webb). Now among the industrialized nations, the United States has the largest number of homeless women and children. This paper will focus on homelessness among families and the children and the impact of the family unit. The paper will also clarify general information about homelessness and provide background information to offer an understanding of the degree and significance of family homelessness. Defining the homeless has always been a tricking process considering the fact that being homeless results in situations that various across each individual. Trying to define someone who is homeless raises more questions than it does at answering the initial question. Examples of these questions are how long does it require a person to be without housing to consider them homeless? Do people living in shelters or dangerous and unsanitary public housing considered homeless? Most researchers on the subject have narrowed down the definition of a homeless person to that of someone who has spent at least some time in homeless shelters or living on the streets or other irregular settings (Ambrosino). The Stewart B. Mckinney Homeless Assistance Act provides an official definition of homelessness found in the text of Families and Change, “ an individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence;… who has a primary nighttime residence that is either a supervised public or private