Crisis happens to everyone and depending on the severity; it has the potential to render individuals and families without the resources to overcome adversities, which can result in homelessness at any given time. The homeless population lives at the edge of poverty often losing connections with family, neighborhoods, and friends. They face a stigma inflicted by society, which often leads to them being isolated and/or rejected. This paper will examine the meaning of homelessness, multiple perspectives on the issue, what is currently being initiated in the field of social work, and explore ideas on possible solutions.
Comprehensive Summary
Homelessness affects thousands of Americans. Individuals and families …show more content…
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, (2016), reported the current estimate of the homeless population at 549,928 to Congress November of 2016, after the completion of a point in time survey conducted one night at the end of January 2016 across the nation to include the sheltered and unsheltered homeless population. Of the 549,928 reported, 68% were residing in emergency shelters. The homeless population according to the report is comprised of veterans, families, unaccompanied youth 18-24 years, unaccompanied children under age 18 and single individuals. At some point and time, social workers will encounter this population regardless of their discipline and it is important to understand the issue, the person's perspective, and the needs and resources available to assist (Social Work Policy Institute, 2010). Social workers operate from the position of social change and understanding the many dimensions of homeless will assist social workers in the fight to end homelessness. There are many perspectives and misconceptions on the issue surrounding the homeless population. Society plays in integral role on the issue of homelessness and resources and actions taken to prevent the increasing numbers. As social workers, we have the ability to guide how homeless individuals and families see themselves and how society sees