January 29, 2013
A Change Project
Submitted to
The Master of Human Services Program
Lincoln University
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Human Services
David S. Goode Jr.
The project was designed to address high increase in homeless youth not transitioning into adulthood successfully. In fall 2011, a review of the literature confirmed the existence of high rates of homeless youth not transitioning into adulthood successfully. The literature attributed the problem to several causal factors of low income jobs, unemployment, and lack of formal education. There has not been a prototype project conducted within the literature. A need assessment survey of the target population and a data extraction tool was used to represent the target population indicated that new program would help in addressing this problem. A change project was designed at the beginning of the semester, and the objectives were to increase the knowledge of basic life skills by 10%. Evaluation findings showed that the new program increased the level of knowledge of basic skills and rate of youth returning to homelessness decreased by 10%.
Table of Contents
Chapter Page Number I. Introduction 5 II. Review of Literature 7 III. Needs Assessment 19 IV. Project Implementation 38 V. Project Evaluation 44 VI. Institutionalization and Stabilization 51 VII. Integration of Relevant Concepts 52 VIII. References 53 IX. Appendices 59
Chapter I: Introduction
Background of the Problem
Today, experiencing homelessness has nothing to do with a person’s intrinsic worth. Homelessness is a complex social issue with many variables.
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