First of all, we have youth who had no other choice, who were forced into leaving their homes whether it be through physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, getting kicked out, or becoming so unhappy they couldn’t bear it anymore. It came to the point where they felt so unsafe and miserable they felt there was no other choice, but to leave and eventually become homeless. Commonly in these cases social workers will remove the youth from their homes before they run away and put them into foster care. However, this is another culprit to homeless youth entirely. Foster care and social services are underfunded and commonly understaffed usually providing care not much better than the situation the youth were previously in. Foster care or “The System” is detremental and harsh, the youth are shuffled from home to home and never feel like they belong, they are alone, unloved, and unwanted. So the youth feel it would be better to simply run away, no more …show more content…
If there were more options readily available, and programs already in place received more funding perhaps we could cut down on the homeless youth in today’s world. But people are lazy, and don’t care about any other problems other than their own. The world needs to take responsibility and fix this, this isn’t just one country’s problem. It affects the entire