What a Positive Way Too Go
Course: Introduction to Health Care
The Benefits of Universal Healthcare:
What a Positive Way To Go The United States has needed a Universal Health Care plan for many years. Three reasons that I believe that a Universal Health Care Plan is needed are; 1) Health Care coverage would be available for all U.S. citizens. 2) The costs for health care coverage would be reduced. 3) The health care system would become more efficient. A universal health care plan would provide Health Care coverage for all U.S. citizens. The current health care system does not cover a large portion of the U.S. population. Many U.S. citizens cannot afford to obtain health care, or they are excluded from the health care system for some other reason. This creates a gap between those Americans that have health care coverage, and those that do not. According to the U. S. Census Bureau, nearly 47 million Americans, or 20 percent of the population under the age of 65 were without health insurance. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, using the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, (MEPS, 2008) estimated that the percentage of uninsured Americans under age 65 represented 27% of the population. According the MEPS data, nearly 54 million Americans under the age of 65 were uninsured in the first-half of 2007. The study also shows that based on the effects of the recession alone (not job loss); it is projected that nearly seven (7) million Americans will lose their health insurance coverage between 2008 and 2010 (DeNavas et al., 2007). Urban Institute researchers estimate that if unemployment reaches 10 percent, another six (6) million Americans will lose their health insurance coverage. Taking these numbers together, it is conceivable that by next year, 57 to 60 million Americans will be uninsured. The Urban Institute estimates that under a worst case scenario, 66 million Americans
References: Bobble Sage (2003, June 9). Getting the U.S. United on Health Care: A National Health Care Plan. Retrieved November 12, 2009, from http://personalinure.about.com/cs/ healthinsurance1/a/aa060903a.htm Chu, M.C. and J. Rhoades. (2007). The Uninsured in America, 1996-2007: Estimates for the U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population Under 65, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, AHRQ, Statistical Brief #214, July 2008. Retrieved November 12, 2009, from http://www.nchc.org/facts/coverage.shtml Walt, DeNavas, Proctor, C.B. & Smith, J. (2007). Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States. (2008, September) U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved November 12, 2009, from http:www.nchc.org/facts/coverage.shtml