Since then, she writes letters to San Roman, confessing her love to him for years. Eventually, San Roman does return to see her, but not as the handsome man he once was. Despite all that has happened, Angela was still able to have San Roman do her biddings. This is another reason why I find Angela Vicario to be the strongest women in the book, because she has the courage to reach out to him even after her mother makes her suffer.
As you can see, Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is one of the most important Latin American novels to ever be written. The story depicts the life of what was once an ordinary town in Colombia forever changed by a murder which was inspired by a death of Marquez’s friend. He also displays the dominance men have over women and how the town expects both genders to behave. It is these reasons why I acknowledge why the book is not only of the most important books in Latin American literature, but one of the best ever