1. What were some of the important innovations of the Aztecs?
a. Building foundations, water aqueduct, dams, roads, universal school for boys and girls
2. What was the role of human sacrifice in Aztec Society?
a. Religion, belief the world would end
3. What were some of beliefs/philosophies of the Aztecs? What is a calpolli? What were the gender roles (boys vs. girls) in Aztec society?
a. Calpolli – social organization in the heart of the empire – big house –
b. Women not completely oppressed –
c. Men warriors
d. Even the slaves, who were placed into bondage because of their inability to fulfill their obligations, had the right to give consent to be sold. Human sacrifices where not for naught, rather they were believed to be meant for the greater good, in order to please the gods, who had sacrificed themselves to create the humans, by showing them the same kindness, and ensure the sun rises for everyone.
Menchaca—Chpt. 2
4. Noble Savage debate--know different sides of the debate and who was involved
a. The church and Sepulveda and his followers
5. Definition of Repartimiento, encomienda, corregimiento
a. Repartimiento – colonial forced labor system imposed on indigenous by Spanish
b. Encomienda – legal system that was employed mainly by Spanish to regulate labor and autonomy – Allotment
c. Corregimiento – country subdivisions – crown retained legal title to land -
6. Law of Burgos –
a. first set of laws governing behavior of Spaniards – forbidding maltreatment of indigenous people
7. Malinke Slaves and importance to New Spain –
a. gold, successful farming communities and textile production
8. Alliances and Intermarriage laws: What were the Vitoria’s Natural Laws? And why are they significant? What was the purpose of intermarriage? Explain your answer
a. Indians must be governed and protected – named church legal protector – gave responsibility of Christianizing them and making them tax