In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course Internet Technology. This thesis is entitled has been prepared and submitted by Lester John Caasi, Ailyn Cueto, Katrina Balmeo, Mary Rose Holasca, Edison Superar, Gabriel Filomeno, Christian Legayada,and Rc Duria are hereby recommended for approval and acceptance.
Mr. Roderick Valenzuela
Int .App. Instructor
Thesis Review Panel
Approved by the committee in oral defense with grade of: __________
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Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the course Internet Technology.
Engr. Gaudencio Robiso Jr.
School Director
This study is made through the help of our Almighty God who provides all the graces needed for this study.
We would like to thank our adviser Prof. Roderick G. Valenzuela who was abundantly helpful and being understanding to us while doing this study, thank you for the knowledge you have stocked in our mind.
I would also like to thank my groupmates namely Katrina Belen Balmeo, Mary Rose Holasca, RC Duria and Gabriel Filomeno who are willingly share their knowledge in doing our documentation. To our leader Lester John Caasi who gave his full effort in doing our website to our family and friends who give us their moral and financial support to myself for the self-confidence and my stocked English words..
Lastly to the employees of the Pancake House Las Pinas branch who gave us the information’s we need.
Bacoor Branch
Pancake House
In partial fulfillment of the Requirements for internet application of the Course Internet Technology (I.T)
Presented to:
Mr. Derick Valenzuela
Presented By:
Lester John Caasi
Ailyn Cueto
Mary Rose Holasca
References: 2 years course (2012-2014) Bacoor, Cavite Secondary: