English 3
September 16, 2013
Period 7
Superman and me by Sheramn Alexie is about a little Indain boy who fell in love with reading after seeing his dad read so many books. This little boy taught him self how to read from a superman comic book and advanced quickly. The article says the Indian people expect the indian kids to fail in a non-indian world. But the indian boy says that he's smart, arrogant and lucky. He was determined not to fail like everyone expected him to, because his parents lived by pay-check and he wanted more in life for his self. He read everything from magazines to manuals anytime he got the chance to read. He eventually became a writer even though he expected to become a pediatrician. He mostly wrote poems and short stories. He also went back and taught indian kids how to read and write so they can also have the oppurtunity to be something better in life rather than fail like they are expected to.
I can relate to this article bacause the little indian boy's parents didn't have much but they worked hard to make thier children's future a little better, and the indian boy saw this and didn't want to be a failure with a average job. Like the indian boy I dont to fial in life because my mom works very hard and she expects me to stay in school and get to highest level possible so my life will be a little easier. Many of the points made in this chapter can be related to this assignment. The way the indian boy described the pargraphs as "a fence that held words" and "the words inside the paragraph worked together for a common purpose" they had some specific reason for being in the same fence. All the things he observed are true, because a paragraph was a section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a sinlge theme and indicated by a new line, indention or numbering. This applies to our assignment because we are writing paragraphs and each paragraph has a specific topic that has to be written about or explained about the