Economy is currently spending millions of dollars in litter clean-up efforts, cigarette butts being the leading contribution to this problem. 51.2 billion pieces of litter were picked up from United States roadways in 2009. Retail areas, loading docks, storm drains, parks and playgrounds, and construction sites are where majority of cigarette butts were picked up. “ An economic analysis found that cities the size of San Francisco spend, on average, between $500,000 to $6,000,000 annually to keep their streets and parks clear of cigarette litter” (Rath). Research took place in April 2011, on 18 and older nonsmokers and smokers from four different cities, each city having a 200 person sample. Majority of the respondents were in the white or non-Hispanic ethnicity category, with more female involvement than male. The cities that were chosen were the top cigarette littering cities via the 2010 ICC report. This research was looking for knowledge on cigarette litter along with their own personal belief on littering of cigarettes. Messages in anti-cigarette-litter campaigns should focus on cigarette butts are harmful when disposed of improperly. 74.1% of smokers admitted to littering cigarettes at a minimum, by throwing them on the ground and out the window of their car. Along with disposing out the car window or on the ground, 55.7% of smokers admitted to throwing butts down the sewer within the previous month. Studies found males littered cigarette butts more than females. They survey consisted of four areas; demographics, knowledge, smoking status, and awareness of media campaigns. Smoking status available responses included; currently smoking every day or some days, having smoked at least 100 cigarettes in a lifetime, or never tried smoking. Knowledge and beliefs about cigarette litter questions included; “single most collected item in beach waste cleanup each year?” “Are cigarettes toxic or no?” Answer response
Economy is currently spending millions of dollars in litter clean-up efforts, cigarette butts being the leading contribution to this problem. 51.2 billion pieces of litter were picked up from United States roadways in 2009. Retail areas, loading docks, storm drains, parks and playgrounds, and construction sites are where majority of cigarette butts were picked up. “ An economic analysis found that cities the size of San Francisco spend, on average, between $500,000 to $6,000,000 annually to keep their streets and parks clear of cigarette litter” (Rath). Research took place in April 2011, on 18 and older nonsmokers and smokers from four different cities, each city having a 200 person sample. Majority of the respondents were in the white or non-Hispanic ethnicity category, with more female involvement than male. The cities that were chosen were the top cigarette littering cities via the 2010 ICC report. This research was looking for knowledge on cigarette litter along with their own personal belief on littering of cigarettes. Messages in anti-cigarette-litter campaigns should focus on cigarette butts are harmful when disposed of improperly. 74.1% of smokers admitted to littering cigarettes at a minimum, by throwing them on the ground and out the window of their car. Along with disposing out the car window or on the ground, 55.7% of smokers admitted to throwing butts down the sewer within the previous month. Studies found males littered cigarette butts more than females. They survey consisted of four areas; demographics, knowledge, smoking status, and awareness of media campaigns. Smoking status available responses included; currently smoking every day or some days, having smoked at least 100 cigarettes in a lifetime, or never tried smoking. Knowledge and beliefs about cigarette litter questions included; “single most collected item in beach waste cleanup each year?” “Are cigarettes toxic or no?” Answer response