Boys are born with a fold of skin that covers the head of the penis (foreskin). This fold of skin is often removed shortly after birth with a surgery called circumcision.
The decision whether to leave the foreskin on or whether to have it removed is a personal one. It is often based on religious, social, or cultural beliefs. Benefits of circumcision include:
The head of the penis is easier to wash when the foreskin is removed. This makes odor, swelling, and infection less likely.
Some studies show that circumcised men are less likely to:
Carry the virus that causes genital warts.
Contract HIV.
Develop cancer of the penis.
Get urinary infections.
Develop inflammation of the penis. …show more content…
Circumcision is most often done in the first few days of life, but it may also be done later in life. If a baby is born early (prematurely) or is ill, circumcision should not be done until he is older or stronger. Circumcision should not be done in some instances of deformity of the penis or deformity of the opening of the penis (urethra).