how this paper was born! MOSEX' the Museum of Sex.
It was expensive, and wasn't worth my time and the effort I put in. I couldn't hide my shock when I entered the museum. It was like a for the lack of better word - porn shop. The things they showed, the things they sold I couldn't hide my disappointment, while the guys were giggling away like school girls. The first floor wasn't that bad. They had pictures hung up on the walls, like a real museum. Pictures were a little grotesque, but it was still art (in a way) and I understood it and accepted it. But the second floor was where everything turned into a real porn shop. They were playing different films of people having intercourse; Different places, different people, different positions, and different ages. I practically closed my eyes and walked through that section in two seconds. I wasn't used to those kinds of things, especially showing in a place called museum'. But the section after that was even worse. Next to the few books about human anatomy and how babies are made in a woman's womb, which was presented to us in the glass case along the walls, in the open, they had different sex machines that peopled used many years ago. Yes, machines. Not little ones too. They had huge ones that looked like chairs with things attached to them, and they also had thing jumpsuit looking thing that I wasn't sure if it was a sex machine or a spacesuit. And I saw the light. It was the
exit. Maybe the reason I didn't enjoy this museum was because how I think about sex. I always thought that the sex was a beautiful thing, which should be just between two people who are in love, who are intimate, and who are married. I guess I was wrong. This trip wasn't 100% useless because museum did teach me something. It taught me that America really is a free and open country, where a sex museum can be built and develop without any debates and rallies. And it also taught me that, not everyone holds the same value about sex, and also that sex' can be just sex' with out love and all.