The museum that I visited was the Holocaust Museum in Maitland, FL. The Holocaust Museum in Maitland was the first Holocaust Museums in the United States. This was my first time visiting the museum. I was nervous in the beginning about visiting the Holocaust Museum for I did not know what to expect so I invited a friend to go with me. When I open the door of the museum there was a lady with a smile on her face to welcome us. She hands us a few pamphlets and explained the rooms that are available to view. I thought it was going to be in a bigger building, but the museum was fairly small. There was basically one room that contained several different themed stations (introduction, threatening Jews, wars, death camps, …show more content…
However, the videos interviewing the survivors had the most impact on me. Hearing the stories or the firsthand accounts of what took place, stirred up some deep emotions within myself. I found myself tearing up just listening to the videos. Hearing about the Holocaust is one thing, but actually hearing the Survivor Stories is what really got to me. I still don’t understand how people, everyday regular people, could just sit back and let something this evil even happen. It’s something that I know I will never be able to comprehend. By ignoring an evil act of this magnitude or pretending that nothing wrong is taking place makes that person/people just as responsible as the people that are personally involved in the evil acts. If just someone would have stood up for the Jews, it might have made other people question what was going on and at least save some more innocent lives. A Museum Employee stopped by to chat with us, he was a Holocaust survivor. He told us about the times in the camps, and what kept him going. He showed us the identification numbers the Nazis tattooed into his forearm, which serves as a powerful living reminder of the Holocaust. My friend and I didn’t have much to say, mostly because we did not know what would be appropriate to