
Personal Narrative: Faith Annalise Camp

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Personal Narrative: Faith Annalise Camp
“Faith Annalise Camp, what have you been doing in there?”
“I could have stayed all day.” My mom and I sat in silence as I reminisced about my experience. The day had started with me needing to finish one of my numerous yearbook assignments. The usual assignment was going to the football game to take pictures, but this weekend I had to visit the local museum to finish my page. This page needed historical pictures from one of my town’s popular events, the square-dancing revue. Square-dancing has been in Lamar for close to one hundred years and my yearbook page was focusing on the history of it. Most to all of these historical pictures belonged to the museum. I was prepared to be bored out of my mind while taking the pictures, but I wanted an A in the class, so I willed myself to go. I walked up to the building, put on my most believable fake smile, and told myself just to get the job done already. I pulled open the extremely heavy door and quietly snuck up the stairs to the main floor. At this point I was prepared for an overly peppy woman to pop out from nowhere and bombard me with multiple questions about why I was there, instead I found two women reading 1950’s newspapers while drinking coffee. Once they noticed my presence I told them the basics of
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Now a half a year later, I can say I get to spend as much time there as I want because of two reasons: I have a car and I volunteer there on the weekends. This has given me the chance to explore my town’s history and a lot about my own. Being able to teach people about the small, but wonderful town I live in is one of the greatest parts of the job. Being able to help preserve the history of my town and its people is what I enjoy doing. What I once thought was going to be a meaningless trip became the cause and reason why I appreciate museums and history much

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