“Personal writing is both the easiest kind of writing to do and the most difficult” (Rawlins, 212). For me, it’s actually one of them most difficult and frustrating types of writing. Throughout high school and now I have had to do personal writing and it was and still is very tough for me to do. I was beginning my most important year of high school. This year seemed as if there was so much to do and so little time. And in the end it kind of was. Deadlines were right around the corner and crucial to meet for this year, especially for college applications. In my mind I had planned to apply to UC’s, Cal State’s, and maybe even some privates.
It was a week into my senior year in Ganesha High School. Walking into my third period AVID class, right after our 10 minute nutrition break, everybody, rowdy and noisy, talked about what they had done that weekend or what they had seen at break. As usual I walked towards my seat and as usual it was a task. My school bag was hanging on my side and I had my breakfast box that was filled with a milk carton, an apple, and a packaged bread in my hand; I walked and tried not to trip over the carelessly left bags on the isle. People stood up even after the bell had rung and the noise level was still high. I finally got to my seat; first row, first seat, right next to the teacher’s desk in which he had his computer. I put my bag down on the floor and put my breakfast box on top of my desk. The teacher, Mr. Mariles, came in and everybody took their seat, the noise level lowered distinctively. I turned over to face my friend who was sitting behind me. I whispered to her “Do you know what we’re doing in class today?” she whispered back “I think we are working on our personal statement.” I turned to face the front of the class, with a disgusted expression on my face. The teacher then started to explain what we were going to do that day. He had a smile in his face and was making hand movements all over the