As far as writing, my attitude is both positive and negative. I enjoy writing for many reasons. I love being able to write because it allows me to communicate and express myself to others. Some writings, such as Poems and Song lyrics calms me down. Writing letters to friends and family gives me the happiness that I need when they are far away. A negative aspect about writing, for me, is the fact that I usually get frustrated and nervous when it comes to essays and book reports. I honestly have a hard time writing essays when it comes to many situations. Sometimes I end up thinking to hard about the topic I am suppose to be writing about and I end up losing focus and going off topic. Since I don't enjoy writing essays and frequently end up confused by them, I have a habit of quitting on myself before I finish my work. Essays aren't my kind of thing when it comes to writing.
Other than that I like to write. I like to write many different kinds of things that attract people’s attention. Even If it is just random phrases or words. I like to be funny when I write. As well as be creative and have an open mind. What I like most about writing is that it is another good way to communicate. My favorite writer would be myself. I enjoy what I write no matter what other people say about me. If it sounds good to me then it goes on paper. I get excited when I find something new to write about. I am my own fan. Being my own favorite writer, I can look back at things I have written and easily correct them. I am amused by myself with the things I write. Free writing is a good way to relax your mind. You can write anything and everything that comes to mind. I have asked several people about writing and from their point of view writing to them is not as exciting as to how it is with others. Like I mentioned earlier, everyone has their own way of writing and how they feel about it.