Growing up I was an avid viewer of Spongebob which ultimately led to my Nebo sensation and the derivation of The Adventures of Spongebob - written and drawn by Grant Wallace. (Nebo allusion-inventor of writing) Unknowingly at the time, these stories are now what I base my relationship of writing off of: the freedom to be creative, the ability to express thoughts possibly inhibited with speech and the non transitory memories writing entails.(Colon) …show more content…
This sense of individuality and creativity emanates in my syntax to allow me to stand alone in ways no other part of life could. Individuality is especially vital in times such as now when college admission counselors rummage through the copious amounts of applications. When these counselors scavenge through the cliche questions regarding grade points and test scores, there are hundreds of people who look just as I do. No individuality is displayed until the essays are read which is where the true probity of me can supersede the competing