I have, however, modified how I go about writing. The biggest changes to my writing have been the mad man and revision process. Since I am your stereotypical procrastinator, I usually do not have time to do either of these. I have been attempting to follow the steps that were taught in class, but when I mad man write, my ideas do not culminate into a thesis or anything that is helpful. This usually causes me to stress out even more about the writing. The revision process, however, has been much more fruitful. On the papers within, I have gone back and revisited. I found grammatical …show more content…
The informal writing is from our Photographic Auto-Biography free-write; “The Daughter of a Teen Mom” examines how I see my younger self and looks at the wonder of being the child of a teenager. It is in some ways an introduction to “The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far,” my revised personal writing. This piece tells about becoming one’s parents and how that might change as one leaves the nest. The final piece is about one of my favorite people to be around. It is a small introduction to my best friend, and how he encounters the world and carries