2.-In what countries of the actuality did the civilization have its place Mayan? Southern Mexico to much of central America. Heart of their highlands of Guatemala and the plains of the Yucatan.
3. - Mention at least three of five Mayan cities to which one alludes in the documentary. Tikal, Copan, Palenque.
4.-What happened with the Mayan writing system after the arrival of the Spanish? It disappeared because the Diego de Landa believed that the Mayan writing system was the tools of the devil.
5.-Who was Diego de Landa? What was its belief on the origin of the Mayan manuscripts? He wanted to convert the Mayan people to Catholicism, so he burned and killed all things that worshiped other gods, including the glyphs.
6.-What is the Code of Dresden? The most exquisite Maya Book that was one of the three books that was discovered in the cities of Madrid Paris and Mexico.
7.-What sound the numbers of Thompson? Classification system for the Maya signs. What was its theory on the Mayan hieroglyphics? It was only about astronomy but other than that the code meant nothing. Mayan are peaceful people.
In accordance with the investigations that Tatiana Proskouriakoff would carry out later: it came she(it) to the same conclusions as Eric Thompson? In what were they differing? The figures were not gods and priests but Kings and queens. It as history unlike how Thompson said it was nothing.
1. - Pictogramas (jeroglíficos). Escritura maya.
¿2.-En qué países de la actualidad la civilización tiene su lugar Maya? Sur de México a gran parte de América central. Corazón de las tierras altas de Guatemala y las llanuras de Yucatán.
3.-Mencionar al menos tres de cinco ciudades mayas, a la que se alude en el documental. Tikal, Copán, Palenque.
¿4.-Lo que sucedió con el sistema de escritura maya después de la llegada de los españoles? Desaparecido porque el Diego de Landa cree que el sistema de escritura maya fue las herramientas del